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Apply For A Road Closure

If you wish to apply for a road closure to hold a special event, you must:

  • Submit a completed application form

  • Submit a range of documentation to support the application (including a traffic management plan / signing schedule prepared by an accredited traffic management company)

  • Pay the required fee to Mid Ulster District Council

  • Submit the application and relevant supporting information at the earliest opportunity and no later than 12 weeks prior to the special event

Unfortunately due to the fixed consultation and advertising requirements associated with each application, late submissions cannot be processed.

When your documentation has been submitted, the Council will undertake public notification and also consult with various statutory bodies (including PSNI, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service). The Council may then, with the consent of the Department for Infrastructure Roads (DfI), make an Order to restrict or prohibit traffic on a public road to facilitate such events.

For guidance notes, an application form or to discuss the application process in more detail, please contact the Council’s Environmental Health Service on 03000 132 132 or email