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Connecting Pomeroy

Connecting Pomeroy is a £7.1M EU PEACE IV project creating community cohesion, community facilities and an iconic magic forest and visitor centre in the County Tyrone village.

Celebration event marks completion of £7M Connecting Pomeroy project

Funding was provided by the EU’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, and delivery of the initiative was spearheaded by a community partnership and coordinated by Mid Ulster District Council.

Connecting Pomeroy programme banner

Community Engagement Programme

A programme of community engagement and development activities will run alongside the capital development programme. 

Pomeroy Forest - New Centre and Forest Trail

A total of £3M was allocated to the forest scheme to develop a visitor centre and enchanted trail in Pomeroy Forest, while also creating opportunities for shared learning experiences with school, youth and community groups.

Public Realm Scheme

A Public Realm Scheme to upgrade the village centre, including access works at QEII Primary School, has enhanced the look and feel of the village centre.
And a programme of community engagement and development ran alongside the capital development programme.

New Community Facilities

New £2.5M community facilities have opened up shared spaces for local people to enjoy, including a new Church of Ireland Hall, a 3-G multi-use games area at the Presbyterian Church hall and a new gym at the Pomeroy Plunkett’s GAC.

More information:
If you would like to know more about Connecting Pomeroy please contact Emma McGeehan. 
Call 03000 132 132, extension 23613 or mobile 07587363938.