Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) are partnerships between local councils, other statutory and voluntary service providers and the community.
Essentially PCSPs work to help make communities safer and ensure that the voices of local people are heard on policing and community safety issues.
They consult and engage with communities and develop solutions in partnership to tackle crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour.
The PCSP is required to:
Consult and engage with local communities, the statutory and voluntary sectors and other relevant organisations.
Identify and prioritise particular issues of concern and prepare plans for how these can be tackled.
Monitor performance to ensure delivery against the Partnership Plan. The Policing Committee will monitor performance of the police to ensure that local policing services are delivering for local communities.
Deliver a positive difference to communities, contributing to a reduction in crime and enhancing community safety in their districts.
Useful information:
To find out more about the work of the Mid Ulster PCSP, contact Michael McCrory, PCSP Manager, Tel: 03000 132 132, E: pcsp@midulstercouncil.org