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Council of Sanctuary

In January 2025, Council pledged its support for the City of Sanctuary movement and agreed to become a Council of Sanctuary. 

We are committed to receiving and including all new residents with care and dignity. Under our Council of Sanctuary designation, we resolve to:

  • Join the City of Sanctuary’s local authority network of cities and towns which promote the inclusion and welfare of people who are fleeing violence and persecution in their own countries.

  • Continue to work with key groups and organisations in Mid Ulster who provide sustainable support to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants

  • Ensure equality and diversity in the provision of our services, facilities, and open spaces.

  • Embody the City of Sanctuary values of Inclusivity, Openness, Participation, Inspiration, and Integrity in our work.

  • Learn with and from others in the City of Sanctuary local authority network to ensure the dissemination of best practice.

Mid Ulster District Council and South Tyrone Empowerment Programme are working in partnership to adopt a sanctuary model across the Council area.  Our aim is to create a welcome and sense of belonging for everyone who comes to live or work in Mid Ulster.

As part of our programme of work, we have several upcoming opportunities for individuals and organisations who are interested in contributing actively to these aims.


Join our first community conversation
This event will be facilitated by Dr. Lisa Cherry, on Wednesday 26 February, 10am-1pm, at The Junction, 12 Beechvalley Way, Dungannon.

Dr. Cherry will share her work on the impacts of exclusion and on belonging as an antidote to trauma, before supporting participants to feel at ease in surfacing our feelings, ideas and potential roles in making our community and council area a safe and welcoming place for new residents.

Everyone who lives or works in the Mid Ulster District Council area is welcome to attend, you don’t have to be part of a group.

Places are limited, so please register before Tuesday 18th February. Our ground rules for the event will be respect and non-judgement. 


Apply for the ‘We Stand Together’ OCN Level 3 in Hate Crime Advocacy
This 6-week pilot programme is delivered by Victim Support NI and is designed to build community capacity and connections for preventing and addressing hate crime.  Participants will also inform a draft model of good practice for Mid Ulster.

Key stakeholder organisations in good relations and community development in Mid Ulster, are invited to nominate a member of staff or volunteer to apply for a place on the OCN pilot programme. 

To apply, please complete the online registration form by 5pm on Tuesday 18th February 2025.

Workshops will be delivered in Cookstown, on Wednesday mornings from 10am- 12.30pm, from Wednesday 5 March – 9 April 2025 inclusive.

As places are limited, we will seek to ensure a diversity of sectoral, geographical and community of interest participation when awarding places on the programme. 

Join the Mid Ulster Sanctuary Forum

We’re establishing a Mid Ulster Sanctuary Forum, focused on building a culture of welcome for all people seeking sanctuary in our Council area. 

Members will play an active role in planning for Refugee Week (16 -22 June) 2025.  This year’s theme is ‘Community as Superpower.’

To express your interest in joining the Mid Ulster Sanctuary Forum please submit an expression of interest, or simply tick the Sanctuary Forum interest box when applying for either the community conversation or OCN programme.