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Local Development Plan 2030 - Draft Plan Strategy and Supporting Documents

The Draft Plan Strategy sets out the Council’s vision for planning land use up to 2030 and details the objectives, spatial planning framework and planning policies which we propose to use to deliver that vision. It supports the vision of the Mid Ulster Community Plan to create a region which is:

A welcoming place where our people are content, healthy and safe; educated and skilled; where our economy is thriving; our environment and heritage are sustained; and where our public services excel.

The Draft Plan Strategy was informed by comments received to the Preferred Options Paper (POP).

**Erratum Notice**
Your attention is drawn to an error at Page 129 of the Local Development Plan 2030 - Draft Plan Strategy. Paragraphs 13.24 and 13.25 in the Retailing, Offices and Town Centre section have been included in error and should be disregarded. 

A number of individual maps are contained within the Draft Plan Strategy document. Please click on the District Proposals Map 1a-1f below to download.

  1. District Proposals Map 1a​

  2. District Proposals Map 1b

  3. District Proposals Map 1c

  4. District Proposals Map 1d

  5. District Proposals Map 1e​

  6. District Proposals Map 1f

District Proposals Map Viewer

Public Consultation and Re-consultation on the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy

A consultation exercise was previously carried out on the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy (February to April 2019).  However, the council identified a procedural error in relation to the original consultation and therefore, re-consulted on the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy.

The re-consultation on the Draft Plan Strategy closed at 5pm on 24th September 2020. Documents and public notices associated with the consultation and re-consultation exercise are provided below.

Hard copies of the Draft Plan Strategy can be also obtained from each of the 3 council offices upon request.

Supporting Studies/Assessments

The Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (SA/SEA Report), Equality Impact Screening Report and Rural Needs Impact Assessment, Habitats Regulations Assessment, as well as other background supporting evidence.

These are available for inspection by appointment at each of the three principal offices in Magherafelt, Cookstown and Dungannon. Telephone 03000 132 132 for an appointment. Social distancing measures will apply. 

Sustainability Appraisal incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Incorporating a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report (Environmental Report) of the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy has also been undertaken.  This is an integrated SA/SEA report and forms part of the evidence base upon which the Draft Plan Strategy is based.  SEA focuses on the likely environmental effects of a plan whilst SA includes a wider range of considerations, extending to social and economic impacts. Therefore the SA/SEA process ensures that the three pillars of sustainable development, environmental, social and economic effects are fully understood before arriving at the most appropriate Draft Plan Strategy for the Mid Ulster District. 
In parallel with the re-consultation on the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy, the Council is also re-consulted on the Sustainability Appraisal, incorporating a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA Report) Environmental Report, of the Mid Ulster District Council Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy, in order to ensure a compliant consultation process.
The re-consultation period for the SA/SEA Report closed at 5pm on 24th September 2020.
Re-consultation On SA/SEA Report Advertisement Notice

Re-consultation On SA-SEA Report Advertisement Notice with Extended Closing Date
SA/SEA Report
SA/SEA Non-Tech Summary Report
SA/SEA Scoping Report
SA/SEA Interim Report

Habitats Regulations Assessment

The Habitats Regulations Assessment is required by The Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (as amended).  This Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Local Development Plan 2030- Draft Plan Strategy has been undertaken by the Shared Environmental Service on behalf of Mid Ulster District Council in accordance with the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC).The Assessment considers the potential impact of the Draft Plan Strategy’s policies and proposals on European designated nature conservation sites.

Equality Impact Screening Report

An Equality Impact Screening Report of the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy has been undertaken.  This considers the potential impact of the Draft Plan Strategy’s policies and proposals on specific groups identified in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Rural Needs Impact Assessment

The Rural Needs Act 2016 requires district councils and other public authorities to have due regard to rural needs when developing, adopting, implementing or revising policies, strategies and plans and when designing and delivering public services.  The principles of rural proofing are incorporated in the RNIA process. A Rural Needs Impact Assessment has been undertaken to ensure that the social and economic needs of the people in rural areas have been considered in the preparation of the Draft Plan Strategy’s policies and proposals.

Background Supporting Evidence

A suite of background papers and policy reviews papers were prepared and published alongside the Preferred Options Paper and they remain relevant evidence in the preparation of the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy.  In addition a number of these papers have been updated and further stand-alone evidence papers/assessments have also been prepared.  The Public Consultation Report in respect of the Preferred Options Paper is also provided which provides an overview of the consideration of the representations received.  All of these documents are available below and should be read in conjunction with the Local Development Plan 2030 – Draft Plan Strategy to understand the rationale and justification for the policies and proposals contained therein. 

Useful Documents