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Corporate Improvement Objectives Consultation 2025 - 2026

Mid Ulster District Council is currently consulting on its draft 2025 - 2026 Performance Improvement Objectives and would like to hear your views on its proposed objectives. 

Draft Improvement Objectives

The proposed draft improvement objectives in summary are:

Objective One:     
Enhance the experience of our customers by working to embed a culture which puts them at the centre of how services are offered and accessed, ensuring Council services are accessible, efficient and responsive to the needs of communities across our District.

Objective Two:    
Provide diverse opportunities for children and young people to access inclusive and engaging activities that promote skills development, physical health and well-being, encourages creativity and supports active community participation.

Objective Three:  
Achieve a reduction in Council’s carbon emissions through implementation of our Sustainability Strategy and Climate Action Plan

Responding to the consultation

If you would like further information on each of the objectives or would like to respond to the consultation, you can complete a short form online, or print a copy from the same location, fill in and return to a local Council office or by post to: 

Corporate Performance and Quality Officer
Mid Ulster District Council
Circular Road
BT71 6DT. 

You can also email your feedback to using the subject heading: ‘Response to Council Performance Objective Consultation’.

All responses must be received by 12 noon on Friday 25 April 2025.