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Mid Term Revised Objectives & Actions

Theme 1 & 2 Economic Growth and Infrastructure

Objective 1.1: Ensure that our economy is thriving, robust and able to withstand economic pressures

Action 1.1a: Develop and implement a strategy and plan to increase employability and labour market conditions in Mid Ulster 

Action 1.1b: Identify and assist economic sectors which need support to develop and grow, become entrepreneurial and resilient and secure investment

Objective 2.1: Improve our infrastructure and connectivity

Action 2.1a: Support strategic schemes which deliver improved infrastructure, connectivity, travel and transport

Action 2.1b: Support the co-location of services, including regional services, in Mid Ulster and maximise opportunities to share resources and assets

Objective 2.2: Improve the quality and sustainability of our environment for our citizens and future generations

Action 2.2a: Mitigate against the impacts of climate change by developing opportunities to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Action 2.2b: Work in partnership to reduce dependency on landfill through increased recycling and recovery

Action 2.2c: Work in partnership with local communities to participate in place making, planning and regeneration initiatives

Theme 3 Education and Skills

Objective 3.1: Ensure that our citizens receive an education that helps them to reach their full potential, make the right career choices and participate in lifelong learning as they progress through life

Action 3.1a: Work in partnership to address educational underachievement

Action 3.1b: Work in partnership to develop and link skills to sustainable employment opportunities, support people to prepare for work and promote opportunities for lifelong learning

Theme 4 Health and Wellbeing

Objective 4.1a: Enable our citizens to live longer, healthier, and more independent lives

Action 4.1a: Work in partnership to identify and address areas for improvement in children and young people’s wellbeing and resilience

Action 4.1b: Deliver and improve safe, accessible and equitable high-quality health, wellbeing and social care services which meet the needs of Mid Ulster’s Citizens

Action 4.1c: Develop and deliver an Ageing Well and Age Friendly programme

Action 4.1d: Plan and prepare for the new Integrated Care System, addressing health inequalities and the wider determinants of health and wellbeing through a population health approach of prevention, early intervention, treatment and end of life care

Theme 5 Vibrant and Safe Communities

Objective 5.1: Reduce poverty and deprivation by targeting resources to the most vulnerable in Mid Ulster

Action 5.1a: Develop opportunities to work together to reduce poverty and disadvantage and improve social inclusion by identifying gaps in service delivery, pooling resources and directing support to the most vulnerable people in our District

Action 5.1b: Support the provision of social and affordable ‘homes for life’ which meet the needs of our residents

Objective 5.2: Ensure that Mid Ulster is safe, encourages respect for diversity and values community spirit

Action 5.2a: Work in partnership to keep people safe and prevent and reduce the impact that crime and anti-social behaviour has on individuals and communities

Action 5.2b: Work in partnership to promote and create opportunities to build peace in our communities

Action 5.2c: Shape and develop a capacity building programme for the community and voluntary sector.