Ensuring people age well in Mid Ulster
An Age-friendly community is one in which people of all ages can live healthy and active lives and where everyone is treated with respect, regardless of their age. As we all live longer, there are huge opportunities to create ageing well communities.
What does an Age Friendly area look like?
In an age-friendly community, policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environment are designed to support and enable older people to 'age actively' – that is, to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society.
An age-friendly world enables people of all ages to actively participate in community activities and treats everyone with respect, regardless of their age.
It is a place that makes it easy for older people to stay connected to people and things which are important to them.
It also helps people stay healthy and active even at the oldest ages and provides appropriate support to those who can no longer look after themselves.
Our Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan
We have published our Age Friendly Strategy and three-year Action Plan for the district. The strategy and action plan for 2023-2026 will work to ensure all residents in the district can live in security, enjoy good health, continue to participate fully in society and feel valued and respected – regardless of age.
Age Friendly Newsletter
Get a copy of the new Age Friendly newsletter 'Live Happy' - designed to share information, events and activities happening across the district as well as tips and advice to keep everyone ageing well!

If you would like a copy of the Age Friendly Strategy for Mid Ulster or to request a copy of the Mid Ulster Age Friendly Newsletter please email Raisa.Donnelly@midulstercouncil.org or call 03000 132 132.
Our Vision
Mid Ulster is an Age-friendly district where older people are valued, engaged, and supported to live healthy, active and fulfilling lives.
We have developed eight themes:
Theme one: Outdoor Spaces Buildings Action Plan
We plan to increase infrastructure to support an Age-friendly community, with increased access to Mid Ulster community areas and green spaces, both town and rural, that the public enjoys.
Theme two: Transport Action Plan
We plan to increase partnership working to ensure better transport options and for improved accessibility, equality and safety.
Theme three: Housing Action Plan
We plan to give older people more choices to live independently and safely within their homes.
Theme four: Social Participation
We plan to increase social participation, addressing loneliness and isolation by connecting older people to services and their local communities.
Theme five: Respect and Social Inclusion Action Plan
We plan to increase opportunities to support and promote active ageing, removing barriers to older people to ensure they are more respected, valued and included.
Theme six: Civic Participation Action Plan
We plan to increase employment support, financial well-being and volunteering opportunities, ensuring older people have vital roles in their communities.
Theme seven: Communication and Information Action Plan
We plan to have an effective communication system to ensure older people have the information, advice and support they need to claim their rights and entitlements and access services.
Theme eight: Community Support and Health
We plan to help people stay well and feel good for longer by connecting them to community and healthcare services to live independent and healthy lives.
Making our plan happen
By working together with all partners and interested individuals, we can all do our part to ensure that the Mid Ulster District is a great place to grow older.
Your Age Your Community Your Opinion
Mid Ulster District Council along with Mid Ulster Seniors Network are seeking people aged 50 and over who live in Mid Ulster to join their forum to make Mid Ulster a better place to age well. If you want to:
Ensure your voice is heard
Raise concerns and take action on local issues
Influence the future planning of services for your local area
Increase awareness of existing opportunities and services and encourage more people to use them
Promote an Age-friendly community
Then the forum is for you!
For further information contact:
Raisa Donnelly
Age-friendly Co-Ordinator
Tel: 03000 132 132
Email: raisa.donnelly@midulstercouncil.org
Find a place to chat in Mid Ulster
Mid Ulster Loneliness Network has launched chatty benches, cafes and libraries across Mid Ulster in a bid to combat loneliness and reduce social isolation.
Chatty benches encourage us to connect with others and to stop and have a conversation. For those who may be experiencing loneliness, this can make a huge difference to their day. If you see someone sitting on a chatty bench, please spare a few minutes to join them and share a few words, by doing so you can really brighten up their day!
Find a chatty location near you.
Chatty Benches
Ballyronan Marina
Ballysaggart Lough, Dungannon
Beechland Road, Magherafelt
Brantry Lough Dungannon
The Burnavon, Cookstown
Coalisland Canal
Cookstown Cemetery
Dungannon park
Inniscarin Forest
Lissan Leisure Club
Loughshore Community Services, Moortown
Mid Ulster Sports Arena
Moneymore Manor park
Polepatrick Cemetery Magherafelt
Portglenone Riverside walk
Presidents Grants Homeplace Dungannon
Roundlake, Fivemiletown
Tullyhogue Fort
Walled garden Maghera
Chatty Cafes
Café Connect, Stewartstown
Café Latte, Dungannon
The Olive Tree, Magherafelt
Chatty Libraries
Dungannon Library
Cookstown Library
Magherafelt Library