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Sustainability Strategy and Climate Change Action Plan Consultation

We are currently undertaking a 12-week public consultation on the Councils Draft Sustainability Strategy and Climate Action Plan (2024 – 2028). The aim is to seek comments on this Plan and we would like you to have your say. 

The Draft Sustainability Strategy and Climate Action Plan sets out an integrated approach for tackling the climate crisis. It provides a framework for the Council to take action to reduce emissions and adapt to the climate change that is already occurring.

This plan is designed to help us begin our journey, but it will continue to be developed to keep pace with shifts across society, technology and wider policy, including the changing needs of communities, groups and organisations within Mid Ulster. 

Action Areas

The plan sets out the ambitious, science-based actions that we can work towards achieving by 2028. All of these actions are organised into five action areas

  • Community Leadership

  • Resource Efficiency

  • Sustainable Transport

  • Natural Environment

  • Green Growth

Plan Vision 

Our vision is to lead our community to create a sustainable and resilient future where environmentally friendly practices and collective efforts ensure a thriving rural community for generations to come.

Plan Goals

We are committed to achieving that by 2050 through the following goals:

  • Reducing the Council’s operational emissions to Net Zero by 2050 with an interim target of a 20% reduction by 2028

  • Leading the way to a Net Zero District and supporting the local community in its journey to Net Zero

  • Councillors, employees and the wider community undergoing training to become climate and sustainability literate

  • Planning and developing sustainable and resilient assets

  • Replacing the Council’s vehicles and heating systems with zero / low-emissions versions

Responding to the consultation

If you would like to respond to the consultation, you can complete a short form online, or download a copy from the same location and return to a local Council office or by post to: 

Karl McGowan
Waste & Sustainable Development Manager
Mid Ulster District Council
Circular Road
BT71 6DT 

You can also give us your feedback via email at  

All responses must be received by 12 noon on Tuesday 31 December 2024.

Other Information

This information can be made available in alternative formats, such as audio, braille, easy read or large print and may be provided in alternative languages, upon request. Please contact Mid Ulster District Council’s Policy Engagement & Equality Officer on 03000 132 132 Ex 24612 or via ann.mcaleer@midulstercouncil.

The information gathered in the survey will be in the strictest confidence and will not be used for any other purposes. You can view more information on how we use data in our Privacy Policy. 

In keeping with the commitments in our Equality Scheme we have carried out an Equality Screening exercise of this proposed Action Plan. It identified the plan had no / positive impact. A full copy of the Equality Screening is available upon request.
As required under the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 we have carried out a Rural Needs Impact Assessment. A copy is available upon request.