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Maghera Public Realm

Proposals for a new-look town centre in Maghera are under development as part of the £10M Maghera Regeneration Programme, funded by the UK Government through its Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' Levelling Up Fund, along with support from Mid Ulster District Council. 

A new Town Centre Look

We're sprucing up the heart of Maghera with a fresh public realm scheme, making it a more attractive and enjoyable place to shop, stroll, and spend time with family. This involves new paving, street lighting, tree planting and street furniture. 

Local contractors CivCo have been appointed in March 2024 to carry out the works, which cover Main Street and extend to: 

  • Coleraine Road

  • Station Road

  • Meeting House Avenue

  • Tirkane Road

  • Church Street

  • Glen Road

  • Bank Square

  • St. Lurach's Road

  • Hall Street

Meet the Contractor Event

We'll be holding a Meet the Contractor event on Wednesday 29 May at Walsh's Hotel Maghera, from 8am - 8pm, where you can drop in to see the plans and find out more about the works schedule.