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Arts, Culture and Community Awards

Mid Ulster Arts Culture and Community Awards banner
Mid Ulster District Council Arts, Culture and Community Awards 2025 aim to recognise groups and individuals who make a valuable contribution to community life. The winners will be announced at the Mid Ulster District Council Arts, Culture & Community Awards on Tuesday 25 March 2025 in the Burnavon Arts Centre Cookstown.

Nominations are now closed.

Please read the guidance notes prior to submitting your online nomination. 

The awards are designed to give you the opportunity to recognise and thank local people and groups of outstanding merit for making a difference to the lives of others in our Council area. These groups and individuals can be from any walk of life, and any part of the Mid Ulster District.  It's easy to nominate, just complete the online nomination form and submit before the extended deadline of 12 noon on Friday 28 February 2025.

All entries must be received by 12 noon on 28 February 2025, applications after this date WILL NOT be accepted.

Return of nominations

If you are unable to submit an online nomination, you can request to submit a hard copy nomination. Hard copy nominations WILL NOT be accepted unless you have obtained prior permission. For more details on the Arts, Culture & Community Awards or to request a hard copy nomination form contact:
Catherine Fox
Arts & Facilities Development Manager
Phone: 03000 132 132

Award Categories

Category Description 
Arts Person of the Year This award recognises an individual who has undertaken imaginative work in any one of the arts, such as drama, dance, music, literature, the visual arts and crafts including photography, and/or demonstrated good practice in the organisation of arts, projects and events.
Young Arts Person of the Year This award recognises a young individual (under 18) who has undertaken imaginative work in any one of the arts, such as drama, dance, music, literature, the visual arts and crafts including photography, and/or demonstrated good practice in the organisation of arts, projects and events.
Arts Group of the Year This award celebrates a group who have demonstrated exceptional achievements in any one of the arts, such as drama, dance, music, literature, the visual arts and crafts including photography, and/or demonstrated good practice in the organisation of arts projects and events.
Youth Champion Award This award recognises the group which best demonstrates how they are assisting in meeting the needs of young people e.g. running a youth club, lobbying for youth facilities, or helping young people reach their full potential.
Age Friendly Award This award recognises a group which can best demonstrate how they are assisting in meeting the needs of older people e.g. running an older person’s club, lobbying for facilities, or helping older people resolve local issues.
Equality & Good Relations Award This award recognises a community led group which displays and encourages Diversity and Integration and promotes equality of opportunity. This group will have led on diversity and integration initiatives and on supporting and engaging our minority or section 75 communities in Mid Ulster.
Community Eco Award This award recognises a community led group who undertake Eco or environmental initiatives/activities in their local areas that engage a wide number of people, both young and old.
Health & Well-being Award This award recognises the group which works to promote health and well-being within the Council area e.g. activities organised promoting good mental health, staying active, tackling poverty and social exclusion, healthy eating etc.
Community Safety Award This award recognises the group or individual who can demonstrate how they are making their community a safer place.
Community Champion This award recognises an individual who has demonstrated outstanding service to the community, made a significant contribution to public life in Mid Ulster and have shown real dedication in helping local residents.
Volunteer of Year Award This award recognises an individual who has displayed dedication to others and /or is making a difference to people’s lives.
Lifetime Achievement Award This award is for an individual who has displayed high levels of voluntary achievement over a significant period of time (minimum 20 years).

Please note the decision of the judging panel is final. The judging panel may (at their discretion) change the category to the most appropriate one e.g. that best fits the nomination. 

For further information please contact:

Catherine Fox
Arts & Facilities Development Manager
Phone: 03000 132 132