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Lighting Up Council Buildings

The Council receives numerous requests from various charities and members of the public to light up its buildings certain colours to recognise and raise awareness of many important issues and campaigns.

The table below shows when the buildings will be lighting up next, for which cause and in which colour.

2024 Dates

Cause and Colour

Thursday 27 June

Deafblind Awareness UK: Deaf Blind Awareness Week (Purple)

Friday 5 July

Mesothelioma UK: Action Mesothelioma Day (Blue)

Thursday 8 August

Hope4mefibro: Severe ME Awareness Day (Blue)

Sunday 1 September 

60th Anniversary of Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI (Red)

Monday 2 September

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): World PCOS Day (Teal)

Monday 23 September

NHS Organ Donor Register: Organ Donation Week (Pink)

Tuesday 1 October

North West Migrants Forum: Black History Awareness & Show Racism the Red Card (Red)

Friday 18 October 

1st Tyrone Scout Group Dungannon:  65th Anniversary (Purple & Blue)

Request to light up our buildings

To make a request to have our designated properties illuminated for your charity and charitable purpose please complete our online form below.  In order to attain necessary approval through Council requests should be submitted eight weeks prior to the requested date of the illumination.