You can use our new online planning portal to find, view or comment on a current Mid Ulster planning application or search for applications and decisions made since 1973.
For applications made since 2010, you may also be able to download plans, maps, decision notices, consultation responses and comments. For Planning Applications received pre-2010, you may need to refer to the hard copy Decision notices for accurate information.
To track or comment on a live planning application on the planning portal, you must register and create an account. You do not need to register and create an account if you are just searching for new applications received, decisions made, planning histories or downloading information from 2010 onwards.
Making a comment on a planning application
Members of the public may submit a representation of support or objection to a proposed development right up until a decision is made on the application.
If you comment on a planning application, your comment, name and postal address will be published online for people to read. Your email address will not be published. Any remarks or information that can be considered as falling within the description detailed below will be removed:
Defamatory, malicious or libellous remarks about Planning staff, individuals or companies;
Swear words, incorrect information about others, innuendos about others, lies or un-sustained truths about the application, defamation of character statements and offensive material of a religious, sexual or political nature.
Comment online
You can comment online by:
Logging onto your Public Access account
Searching for the relevant planning application
Clicking on the 'Make a Comment' tab
Completing the form and clicking 'Submit'.
Write to us
We will still accept comments by email or letter. You must include the following information and failure to do so may result in your comments not being taken into account.
Site address of application
Description of proposal
Application number (if known)
Your name
Your address
Your comments about the proposal
Phone number
Email address.
Email your comments to:
Post your comments to:
Mid Ulster District Council
Planning Department
Ballyronan Road
BT45 6EN