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Environment Chair Condemns Signage Vandalism

Chair of Mid Ulster District Council’s Environment Committee, Councillor Niall McAleer has condemned the vandalism of dual-language signage at the entrance to Brantry Wood.  
He said: 

"I condemn the continuing acts of vandalism on dual-language signage across Mid Ulster in particular the most recent repeated incident at Brantry Wood, in which the damage caused has significantly escalated only a matter of weeks after signage was replaced following vandalism. I am also deeply concerned at the nature of graffiti placed on signs in the area and the Council has reported this as a hate crime to the PSNI. Dual language signage is placed according to the Council's agreed Dual Language Policy, and time and time again the cost of clean up and replacement of those signs that are damaged is an unnecessary cost to Council and ultimately to ratepayers. I would call on those carrying out this needless destruction to please stop immediately. All vandalism to Council property is reported to the police and repairs will be undertaken to restore the signage."