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Bellaghy Regeneration Strategy Consultation Launched

Mid Ulster District Council has announced that engagement will soon commence to develop an exciting new Regeneration Strategy and Action Plan for Bellaghy.  This work will seek to involve key stakeholder to unlock the vision of establishing Bellaghy as a hub for literary development through the regeneration of the heritage and place for the benefit of the people. 

The plan comes on the back of and will complement the recent announcement of a £3.8 million (€4.6million) investment, through the Shared Island Initiative, to develop Bellaghy Bawn as a premier destination for writers.

The Regeneration Strategy & Action Plan will set out a series of proposals for the physical regeneration of Bellaghy and the surrounding area. The Paul Hogarth Company will be facilitating public consultation and engagement as part of the process and is encouraging residents and businesses to get involved. 

An online survey is now open at

A drop-in workshop has been arranged for Wednesday 29 January where you can call in between 1pm- 8pm in Seamus Heaney HomePlace, Bellaghy. A follow up workshop event will also be held on Monday 3 March between 4pm -8pm in Seamus Heaney HomePlace, Bellaghy. 

Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Eugene McConnell said: 

“The purpose of the plan will be to provide a consistent and coherent vision for the future of Bellaghy, tapping into its unique potential to ensure that it is ready to take advantage of opportunities to flourish.  The strategy will be very much community led and will reflect the needs and aspirations of the community to deliver physical interventions that will encourage more people to live, work and visit the village.

“I am encouraging everyone to complete the online survey and to attend the drop in events. This is your opportunity to shape the Bellaghy regeneration strategy and action plan which will help plan for the development of the village into the next decade and beyond”.

Following the drop in events and targeted stakeholder engagement meetings, all the feedback and submissions received will be collated and a draft Bellaghy Regeneration Strategy and action plan will be prepared which will inform key areas for physical regeneration, and to support applications for further funding opportunities, with a view to having the final document in place by spring 2025.