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Sustainability Strategy and Climate Action Plan Consultation now open

Mid Ulster District Council has launched a 12-week public consultation on the Councils’ Draft Sustainability Strategy and Climate Action Plan (2024 – 2028), which sets out an integrated approach for taking action to reduce emissions and adapting to the climate change that is already occurring.

The plan explains the scale of the challenge faced because of climate change and sets out the areas that the Council and wider district needs to focus on. 

The consultation, which runs until 12 noon on Tuesday 31 December, offers residents, businesses, community groups and other key partners the opportunity to comment and provide information and views that will help shape the approach to tackling these challenges, now and in the coming years. The feedback received will be used to amend the plan, where necessary, before it is presented to Councillors for final approval.

Mid Ulster District Council Chair, Councillor Eugene McConnell said,

"This plan is designed to help us begin our journey, but it will continue to be developed to keep pace with shifts across society, technology and wider policy, including the changing needs of communities, groups and organisations within Mid Ulster. The plan sets out the ambitious and realistic actions that we can work towards achieving by 2028. We know that we cannot solve these enormous challenges on our own, which is why we are asking for views on our approach, providing an opportunity to review and comment on the plan. I encourage residents to actively engage in the consultation, open until the end of December.”

The draft plan contains several priority action areas: Community Leadership, Resource Efficiency; Sustainable Transport; Natural Environment; and Green Growth. A number of ambitious goals have been set including reducing the Council’s operational emissions to Net Zero by 2050 with an interim target of a 20% reduction by 2028. 

To view the consultation and complete a response, you can visit the Council’s website at All responses must be received by 12 noon on Tuesday 31 December 2024.