Mid Ulster Residents Move More with Macmillan
This article is dated 25 March 2024.
Mid Ulster District Council with Macmillan offer help and advice to people living with cancer or who are now cancer free.
The MacMillan Move More programme provides access to group support, cancer specific classes such as circuits, pilates, walking groups and most recently, boxing with Ulster Boxing. It also offers one-to-one support for up to one year to those living with cancer or who are now cancer free.
A recent Macmillan Move More participant, Aine shared her experience of the programme. Aine said:
I had massive surgery for advanced cancer this year. When I left hospital after two and a half months I felt like a wreck. Previously I was a regular runner but I was unable to run or even climb the stairs at home.
I am so grateful for the Macmillan Move More programme and Conor Fox, the Council’s coordinator. Before I went into hospital for major surgery, Conor contacted me and explained the Move More programme. He told me he would keep in touch and that I could join the programme once I was ready. This gave me hope to know that help was available to try and get my fitness levels back. Eventually, I was discharged from the hospital, and I messaged Conor. He met me at Dungannon Leisure Centre and explained the programme, and classes, and showed me around the equipment in the gym. I joined the Pilates class and I haven't looked back since. The class is a wonderful source of support as everyone is in the same boat. Conor gives us various exercises, so if you are not able to do something because of your surgery he always has an alternative which you can try.
Conor introduced us to Boxing which was a six week programme through Ulster Boxing. I was a bit nervous as I had never done anything like it before, but I'm so glad I went. It was great fun, it made you work on strength and I used muscles I had not used before, and like the pilates class, it was social and friendly. I recently found out I have osteoporosis and I am sure the Move More programme is helping to protect me from osteoporosis related fractures as well as helping me to recover my fitness.
Louise McKenzie, Participation & Engagement Officer, (Ulster) Irish Athletic Boxing Association said, “It was great to work alongside Macmillan Move More within Mid Ulster District council. The coaches who delivered the boxing sessions mentioned how motivated the group was and that they were a joy to train.”
The Macmillan Move More programme is for all people who have had a cancer diagnosis and are at any stage of their cancer journey or are now cancer free.